Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Our Thanksgiving

Leslie had the time of her LIFE on Thanksgiving. I've never seen her so excited to play with her cousins and Recie.

On a more sour note, we found out she does have kidney reflux on BOTH sides, just like her mama did. We await word on how soon she'll need surgery. Until then, it's antibiotics every day to ward off infection!

There are probably too many recent accomplishments to note, but I'll give it a shot:
  • She does all her gymnastics positions: straddle, pike, and butterfly
  • She can begin her forward roll all by herself (we have to help her with the roll part)
  • Just TODAY she started saying "Awww man!" like swiper on Dora. Before that she just said backpack
  • She has FINALLY started trying to say all kinds of words if you ask her to. They mostly just come out in the correct number of syllables but not the correct consonants!
  • She is still a creature of habit who loves her routines and is very helpful with cleaning, throwing things in the trash can, putting toys back, etc.
  • She TRIES to count!
  • She loves to scream out "Mama" and "Dada" when she's looking for us.
  • She says more now instead of just signing it!
  • She says "hello" when the phone rings.
  • When she sees the Christmas tree she says "oooohhhhhh"

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