Thursday, December 25, 2008

My first gift from Santa

A baby's first Christmas ornament.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Play Pen

Michelle loaned us her play pen...and Leslie just LOVES it, and it gives me some peace of mind to know that, as she gets more mobile, I can keep her safe while cooking dinner :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Leslie meets Santa

One more :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Michelle, again!

I have not blogged in FOREVER!! We went to Michelle Ashe Photography today, and just got too many good pictures, as usual. So I'm gonna post some of my favorites!

This month has given us many firsts. She has eaten her first vegetables. She has finally mastered rolling from stomach to back, so she's rolling all over the place now! She does the "Indian" sound when you pat her mouth. We left her for the first time, and flew to Vegas for four days. While we were gone, she learned the artful task of putting her foot in her mouth (this is also when she accomplished the rolling all over).

With the introduction of solid foods, the high chair was also introduced. She loves it! Since she can't sit up on her own (although she began "tripod-ing" on Sunday), it helps her sit up with her toys in front of her on the tray. She plays contentedly like this for quite a while. Of course, her favorite place is still the changing table. Her mood just brightens there for some amazes both Jody and me.

Leslie has been a very very happy baby, but I have to say this last month has been the most fun for us so far, excluding the first blissful two weeks after her birth. She actually cries so little that, when she does cry, Jody and I watch and giggle for a minute before we give in to what she wants. That probably sounds cruel, but I suppose we are enamored by everything she does, including her cry! As my mother says, Leslie "smiles with her whole body." It's just this joyful smile. I know that all parents are warmed by their children's smiles, but it's somehow surprising each of the 100 times she smiles each day. We have to work ourselves to death to get a laugh, though ;)

It's crazy that I was a journalism major and can't write any better than this, but I'm just trying to write down everything as quickly as possible so that I will remember when she's done these things, otherwise it'll never get done ;)

Photos by Michelle Ashe Photography

Friday, December 5, 2008


18.9 pounds, 90th; 25.5 in., 45th; 43.5 (head), 75%.