Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Our Way

Leslie has been telling us which way to go a lot lately. Even in the car she'll say "Home dat way," "Cool dat way." And of course she also watches a lot of Dora.

Well this morning Jody arrived at the stop sign at 53, on the way to school.

She pointed to the left and said, "Cool dat way??? ... Nooooo."
Then to the right, "Cool dat way??? ... Nooooo."
The straight ahead, "Cool dat way??? ... Uh HUHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!."

Love her <3

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Our Morning New

Her sentences are amazing me this morning!
  • I found Recie!
  • I can't reach it.
  • I need that!
  • No, hmmm hmmm, no no no!
  • Right back, I'll get it.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Our Big Changes

My little girl is just that -- a little girl. There has been no sign of my "baby" for some time. I'm astounded at her vocabulary. It seems like there's no word she doesn't understand, and her sentences are getting longer and longer.

It's been fascinating to watch her sentence structure change (can you tell that grammar was my favorite subject?). Her early sentences put the modifier behind the noun (cup me, car mommy, car daddy). She's mostly the same easy going Leslie she's always been, although as the first of her two-year molars is coming in, she's been a bit cranky. Some of my favorite moments:
  • She always says goodbye so happily. When I leave in the mornings, she says "Bye Mommy," all happy. She's excited to be going to school with her daddy.
  • She loves to dance. She always does the Dora dance, but also loves dancing to any music. Again, the best part is how excited she gets about the dancing.
  • Sadly, she's been misbehaving when I pick her up from school lately. I'm not sure what that's about. But she's cried and cried lately when we leave. It's not about her not wanting to leave; I think she's doing it for attention.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our Clean

Have I mentioned how obsessed Leslie is with cleaning????? She seriously is. When we thought she was napping after church, we instead found her in her bed, meticulously polishing her blocks. Note that big white pile in the middle is her used wipes, not her dress.