Thursday, October 1, 2009

Our 15-Month Stats (well, almost 16 months!)

Dr. Edwards delayed our 15-month visit because he didn't want to expose Leslie to all the flu and strep-throat germs that were crowding his office this month.

Height: 32in. (80th)
Weight: 25.9 (80th)
Head: 48.5 (off the charts, apparently!)

Some cute things worth mentioning:
  • She continues mimicking tons of things: putting her toothbrush under the faucet, putting on my bras (ha!), putting items where they belong when I'm cleaning.
  • She has started saying "byyyyyeee" instead of bye-bye, and it's really darn cute.
  • She has learned the names of rooms in the house, and will go to those rooms if I ask her to.
  • Calls the sunshine "hot" even if it isn't!
  • Calls Baxter "Ba-Ba"
  • Can un-velcro her shoes to take them off.
  • When the phone rings, she picks it up, holds it to her ear, and "talks."
  • When we're leaving daycare, we walk out the door and she says "carrrrr" when we approach the van.

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