Friday, July 18, 2008

Stop, Time!

I hate writing sappy stuff, but I am just so scared I'm going to forget how sweet Leslie's newborn kisses are. And how adorable she is when I give her Mylicon or gripe water -- she smacks her lips for at least 5 minutes afterwards. I did at least manage to film her getting a dosage of gripe water. My maternity leave is melting away and I can't stand it. But I know that I am very blessed that I only have to go back at four days a week instead of five.

She's been really watching her gym for about two days now. I can tell that she can see the lights at the top. A few weeks ago, she would stare in the mirror on her gym and her bouncy, but now she's watching everything on the gym!

She's also really starting to follow me with her eyes -- so cute.

Her rash or baby acne or perhaps combination of the two are still all over her face, which makes me sad :(

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