This weekend Leslie starting trying to say words for the first time. To be clear -- she's said "mama" and "da" for some time, but da is the only word she has used in context. Two weeks ago she randomly starting saying "car" in a very enthusiastic manner! I have no idea why she chose this as her first word -- it's not one we were trying to coax her to say -- but it's what she chose!
However, this weekend was the first time I said words to her and she really focused on repeating them. She has nailed "bye-bye" and "hot." She is using "hot" in context very well. Every time she sees me blow on her food she said "hot." She only says "bye bye" when I ask her to...I suppose she thinks waving is sufficient! She is trying her hardest to correctly repeat "cookie."
She has also discovered a love for cleaning! Obviously she's her daddy's girl. She is absolutely GIDDY when I give her the wipes container to let her pull one out herself. She's so excited she looks away (the flirt) and smiles before taking one. Then she proceeds to wipe her hands and clean her tray. She does a very good job!
Leslie has become such a little helper! She usually plays around in the bathroom while we are getting ready for work, so she has learned my routine pretty well. The cutest thing about this is when I turn off the water in the shower, she grabs a towel and hands it to me every day. Another example was in her note from school today: Sutton was asking the teacher for her bunny, and Leslie found the bunny and gave it to Sutton.
Les' favorite activity is to play outside. Every evening we got out side and play golf, as well as pet Walker and Stripey (Stripey is the neighbor's cat -- Leslie LOVES her).
As an extra bonus in the blog post, I'll link to the video of me skydiving over Kauai :)